The largest of the protected areas of the Harghita mountain range is the Lucs peat bog in the Nagykő-Bükke crater, above Sâncrăieni, at the junction of the road leading to the Stinky Bath of Sâncrăieni.The oligotrophic (minor mineral content) marsh located at an altitude of 1080 m on an area of 273 hectares is actually the peaty remnants of a former crater lake, which is also the largest peat bog in Transylvania.
Büdös is situated on the western border of Sântimbru on the 1100-1200 m high eastern slope of the Southern Harghita Mountains. It belongs to Csíkszentimre, hence its name. The area, which is rich in volcanic after-effects, has long been known in the surrounding settlements. Károly Benkő refers to the place in 1853: ‘...a wellhead at the brook Rege or Ravaszlik, originating from the foothills of the mountain Chihaj, is called stinky because it is here. biidössköves a helly’.
Transylvania boasts one of the rare treasures of nature, mofettas. Moffeta is derived from the Latin word ‘mephitis’ and means stinking out of it, but at the same time Mephitis is the Goddess of the earth that chases away harmful evaporation. The gaseous mofetta takes place in the final stage of volcanic activity, through the cracks of the earth mineral waters are surfaced with degassing. It can also be produced artificially.
Although mofettes can be found in France, Italy, Java Island or Yellowstone National Park (United States), due to their high carbon dioxide content (95-98%), Romanian mofettes are unique and have a positive effect on human health. Romanian mofettas are also rich in rare gases such as helium and radon, which complement the healing effects of mofetta therapy.
Local gastronomic points - ‘Muskátlis’
One of the four local gastronomic points of Harghita county is located in the Smelly Bath of Sâncrăieni and is called Muskátlis.
Surrounded by pine forests, medicinal springs, mofettas and ozone-rich air at 1,250 metres above sea level, the Muskátlis Holiday House offers not only accommodation, but also a traditional culinary experience, including famous homemade bread, pot-roasted goulash or the ever-present chimney cake. Of course, there are also cheeses or meats from mountain farms, which come directly from local producers in the area. All this in a wonderful landscape.