Transylvania boasts one of the rare treasures of nature, mofettas. Moffeta is derived from the Latin word ‘mephitis’ and means stinking out of it, but at the same time Mephitis is the Goddess of the earth that chases away harmful evaporation. The gaseous mofetta takes place in the final stage of volcanic activity, through the cracks of the earth mineral waters are surfaced with degassing. It can also be produced artificially.
Although mofettes can be found in France, Italy, Java Island or Yellowstone National Park (United States), due to their high carbon dioxide content (95-98%), Romanian mofettes are unique and have a positive effect on human health. Romanian mofettas are also rich in rare gases such as helium and radon, which complement the healing effects of mofetta therapy.
What does a mofetta look like?
You may be wondering what this accumulation looks like, or you can imagine a muddy place where the gas comes out. Well, the mofetta is a staircase room, like a small amphitheater, designed to bring the gas from the lower part to the surface here.
Gradually, it is possible to heal in regulated ‘gas baths’. The mofetta is continuously emitted through the exhaust nozzles.
The gas level of each mofetta is shown on dedicated displays. This is done automatically or by direct observation.
A simple and straightforward way to check the gas level is the match method. The burning match will go out where there is too much gas between the surface of the air and the surface of the water.
What is mofetta treatment?
Treatment is carried out in the above-mentioned mofettes, where patients stand on their feet. The patient can only dip in the mofetta from the waist down, and for complete safety, it is necessary to check its gas content every half hour using the match method shown above.
Duration of mofetta therapies
Before mofetta treatment, it is recommended to rest for 5-10 minutes. It is not recommended to move frequently or talk during the treatment, you can easily breathe in denser gases at the same time. You can try two treatments
a day, with a 4-8 hour break between the two sessions.
Effects of mofetta therapies
Mofetta therapy is also recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, it is also recommended for people suffering from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, as well as smokers, people with circulatory problems and those working in the cold.
It is known that mofetta dry bath has a beneficial, vasodilatating effect on potency, as it is a natural aphrodisiac.
Very interestingly, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the upper layers of gases is much lower, so they stimulate the transport of oxygen to body tissues, including the brain, which leads to an increase in mental efficiency
It is well known that many famous writers and painters regularly practiced mofetta therapy because it resulted in a real ‘inspired explosion’.
The counter-effect of mofetta therapies
Like any other therapy, in addition to its positive effects, there are also contraindications. This procedure is prohibited for people with ischemic heart disease, people with arrhythmia or those who have recently had a heart attack.
It is not recommended for people with high blood pressure or who have heart failure or other heart conditions.
It is also not recommended for people with venous insufficiency, digestive or chronic renal insufficiency, or for people with respiratory problems.
The procedure can be carried out only on the recommendation of the doctor and under supervision, acknowledging the risks! Trying mofettes found outdoors is dangerous!