The subsoil of the Büdösfürdő (Smelly Bath or Pucioasa Spa) hides a lot of minerals deep inside or close to the surface of the Earth's crust. First of all, these substances have a healing effect, thanks to their physical and chemical properties, they maintain, strengthen or even rebuild the state of health, working capacity and mental and physical balance in the individual.
Secondly, due to its climate and geographical location (air movements, mountain air, humidity, microclimate), it perfectly meets the requirements of climate therapy and complements the effects and strength of the treatments. Wine waters are found in different depths and, depending on their formation, have a wide range of physical and chemical properties. Wine water is a complex substance made in its own underground laboratory. A real organic product with a beneficial effect on health. According to its classification based on its physical and chemical properties, the wine water of Südösfürdő is sulphurous wine water. It is recommended for the treatment of cardiovascular and endocrinological diseases, kidney and urinary problems, respiratory disorders, neuroses, skin diseases, but it is also used for metabolic and nutritional disorders. Another very important effect of this water is that it eliminates the thirst for oxygen in the tissues, making the body resistant to various diseases.
Its natural mineral water (wine water as locals are calling them) made Büdösfürdő (Smelly Bath or Pucioasa Spa) famous. It contains carbonic acid, iron and sulfur, and due to all these properties and effects, the mineral water spring of Büdösfürdő is a notable healing factor.